Wednesday 30 December 2009

Christmas is over and the goose is getting skinny...

To ....? (whoever takes time out of their busy schedule and gets round to reading this)

We would just like to say Happy New Year for tomorrow and hope everyone had a jolly good time at Christmas. Here is a quick update which will be kept short and sweet.

We are going to start recording our E.P. in the new year so expect to hear from us within the next couple of months with updates on our progress. We have new songs which need more practice but at the minute the word on the street is that the E.P. will only consist of four of our songs. But, nothing is final yet.

Also, we have another gig at Josephs on the 15th January and would again apprieciate it if anyone who likes what they've heard so far, which isn't a lot, to come along and hopefully enjoy.

We have set ourselves goals for the new year and hope that 2010 will be a good year and also a great start to the new decade.


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