Tuesday 8 June 2010

Long time... No Blog!

A lot has happened since the last blog but haven't updated this mainly because of the fact I don't think anyone reads them because no one certainly responds to them. But, on this occasion I will post an update to document our progress.

First of all, the main news is that we are through to the Northern Exposure Battle of the Bands SEMI FINALS! We are very pleased that we have got this far considering we have only been together for 9 months. The competition has been good for us because it has gave us something to work towards and we have wrote more songs which we feel are getting better as we go on. So we'll look forward to the semi finals in August. We'll have more new songs by then as we have some in the making now and we'll enjoy the the rest of the time we have in the competition with no expectations.

Since we recorded our E.P we have uploaded it to www.masamune.bandcamp.com where you can download it for free just by entering your email address and joining our mailing list. We haven't figured out what to do with the mailing list yet so we guarentee we won't be spamming you every day with emails demanding money for a product on eBay you haven't even purchased.

An alternative to the free electronic download is the free physical copy which comes with artwork. You can get your hands on one of these and the free Masamune badges by coming to one of our gigs.

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